Terms of Service

The service is made available to you by RevenueBot ("RevenueBot.io", "bot", "we", "us" or "our") through the website located at https://revenuebot.io/. To provide a "fair go" at and an excellent experience with RevenueBot, we created these terms, rules, and conditions.
  1. RevenueBot is not responsible in cases of technical problems on exchanges, theft of funds from exchanges, blocking of accounts on exchanges, incorrect operation of API exchanges, bankruptcies of exchanges, erroneous actions of users, as well as strong and long changes in prices on exchanges.

  2. The service is provided on an "as is" basis. RevenueBot does not guarantee a certain rate of return when using the service. The bot's performance is determined by many factors, such as volatility on exchanges, trading volume and liquidity on exchanges, as well as bot settings. All service settings are available to the user. Each of the settings is detailed in the Knowledge base. The user makes decisions about the settings independently and is responsible for losses in cases of incorrect or aggressive trading settings.

  3. We do not store or accept user funds, and we do not make any payments (except for payments under the referral program and from sales in the marketplace). All funds are stored in user accounts on exchanges. RevenueBot does not have access to withdraw funds from user accounts on exchanges. The user and the respective exchanges are responsible for the safety of funds on the accounts of the exchanges. RevenueBot operates with user funds for placing orders on exchanges through the API interface.

  4. The user of our service can have only one RevenueBot account. It is forbidden to register multiple accounts. If for some reason several accounts are needed, then the user should contact the support service. It is forbidden to trade in different Revenuebot accounts using the same account on the cryptocurrency exchange - this will be considered as having multiple accounts for the user. Accounts with identified violations will be blocked and their funds frozen.

  5. Simultaneously logging in to different RevenueBot accounts that are linked by the referral program is prohibited and may lead to the exclusion of these accounts from the referral program.

  6. When the user contacts the support service about the appointment of a new or change of the old referral connection, a reduced referral percentage of 10% will be applied. It is forbidden to register new accounts to bypass this rule. Accounts with identified violations will be blocked and their funds frozen.

  7. The user of our service agrees that if he violates any condition or rule of this User Agreement, their account will be closed and their funds frozen.

  8. RevenueBot is not responsible for information about our service presented on other sites except https://revenuebot.io/
  9. Service payment.
    RevenueBot only takes a commission of 20% on the profit you make when doing trading with the bot. To write off the commission, there is the balance of the user’s RevenueBot account. The balance of the RevenueBot account is calculated in BTC. The commission is debited from the balance of the RevenueBot account every time the bot completes its work cycle and makes a profit (a take-profit order is executed on the exchange). If the income is not received in BTC, then it is converted to BTC at the exchange rate at the time the income was received. The fee will be debited from the balance of the RevenueBot account until the sum of all fees debited reaches the maximum fee in the current calendar month. After that, the write-off of the commission will stop until the 1st day of the next month. Each transaction is displayed in the user's profile. The maximum commission amount for the current calendar month is calculated as follows: If the user uses only spot bots, then the maximum commission in the current calendar month will be 50 USD for every 100 active spot bots. If a user uses USDT-M futures bots and makes a profit with their help, then the maximum commission for the current calendar month is increased by 50 USD. If a user uses COIN-M futures bots and makes a profit with their help, then the maximum commission for the current calendar month is increased by 50 USD. Please note that the commission may be higher than the maximum commission amount in the current calendar month, since commission transactions are not divided into parts. This can happen if the amount of commission written off on your account is less than the maximum commission amount in the current calendar month and the bot has made a lot of profit. In this case, the commission is charged in full, after which the commission will not be debited.

  10. Limit on the number of bots for one RevenueBot account: 100. If it is necessary to increase the number of bots, the user should contact the support service.

  11. The RevenueBot service is available in full with an account balance of 0 or more. The user can create new bots and launch them.

  12. If the balance of the RevenueBot account is negative, then the user has 3 days to replenish the balance. After 3 days, the account is suspended. The user cannot create new bots or launch one.

  13. If the account balance remains negative for more than 7 days, then the running bots are interrupted. The tracking of active orders is also suspended.

  14. The balance of the RevenueBot account can be replenished using BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, BNB, USDT, BUSD, TRX. Deposits in BCH, ETH, LTC, BNB, USDT, BUSD, TRX will be automatically converted to BTC at the rate at the time of the deposit.

  15. The balance of the RevenueBot account is not refundable except in cases of erroneous replenishment.
    In addition to erroneous top-ups, funds received under the referral program and from sales in the marketplace are also subject to payment.
    Erroneous replenishment means topping-up the Revenuebot account balance instead of topping-up the exchange account.
    Refunds of erroneous top-ups are made upon submitting a request to the support service, which must be done no later than 3 days from the moment of the top-up. All requests that are made later than 3 days from the moment of the erroneous replenishment will not be received.
    When returning erroneous deposits, we charge a 10% manual processing fee of 20 USD minimum.
    Refunds are made in the same currency in which the replenishment was made, the user should take this into account when specifying the address and account where you need the refund to be made when contacting the support service.
    Refunds are only possible for balance top-ups paid to us. Refunds cannot be made by internal transfers from one user to another.

  16. Balance manipulation for affiliated accounts is prohibited.

  17. Fake sales of services and bot configurations in the marketplace are prohibited.

  18. Rules for placing bot configurations for sale in the marketplace.

    To add to the marketplace:

    • Bot description must contain at least 100 characters.
    • A working contact for feedback (email, telegram) must be specified.
    • You cannot use IDs and names of other bots from the marketplace in the bot name.
    • The price of the placed configuration must not be more than 0.01BTC

    To appear on the marketplace:

    • The bot must work without changing settings for at least 7 days. When you change any of the bot's settings, including the name of the bot, the bot's wallet and the amount in it, the bot will not be shown in the marketplace until it has worked with the new settings for 7 days.
    • Bot's deposit (the amount in the bot's wallet) must be equivalent to at least 50 USD.
  19. Bots work in simulation mode:
    The operation of bots in simulation mode can and will differ from the operation of a real bot, since the simulation is carried out on past prices and is just an example of how the bot would have worked in that period of time in the past. In addition, the moment the bot starts is important, and some settings on the bot's delays are also not applied in the simulation.
    All data with the results of the bot's operation in simulation mode and the bots themselves in simulation mode will be deleted a week after the end of the simulation.

  20. RevenueBot provides uptime on its servers on the Internet 24 hours a day. The user does not need to install any software on his computer to use the service.

  21. If a user account remains inactive for 360 consecutive days, the platform reserves the right to delete the account without prior notice. Inactivity is determined by the absence of enabled bots or transactions on the user's account during the specified period.
    The account can be restored by contacting the support service. On the restored account the “Internal transfer” function will be disabled without possibility to enable it. All deposits are subject to double-checking. If the funds were not deposited in BTC, they will be converted. Please be reminded that when replenishing an account in other coins, the funds are virtually converted to BTC and displayed in the balance in that currency.

    RevenueBot reserves the right to make changes, additions and adjustments to this Terms of Service without prior notice.